"I pray...that one day, you'll find inner peace."

I know that it's a strange start; or task to ask of you, and of ourselves. Many of us are still very conscious, and still haven't detached from what most humans will be drawn to: looks, money, status, reputation, social judgement, social acceptance... Superficial, external things, surrounding and influencing every aspect of our lives. Thereby, compelling us to control how we interact with others, and what we do, feel and think to fit into the same world in various ways. In other words, putting in place a certain order to things. And perhaps, we haven't exactly accepted who we, and the people around us, truly are, especially with our flaws and strengths, of which we may fail to recognize, and give credit to. But that's a reason why many of us fail to find gratefulness, or optimism and good-natured belief, in just exactly what we have, who we are and what we can do; or in life, in general. I understand that some of us see and feel the world as just a 2D world. You make life choices, simply based on data, facts, what you feel, see, hear, sense, smell, etc. It's objectivity, and yes, it's great. But a certain level of subjectivity, or just letting life flow as it wishes, and seeing things in a more naive, optimistic, well-intended kind of way isn't too bad as well! Yes, I do agree that there's a relatively sceptical group who will view such an outlook on life and the world as "disorganised", "overly dreamy", "unnatural" and "unrealistic". Because it is more uncertain, immature and perhaps inaccurate. As humans, we have our own opinions, actions and emotions that we will strongly defend ourselves for, even if we don't actually regard too highly of them. So, it's reasonable for us to deny any concept or object that goes against our beliefs, and to fear exactly what we don't know, and don't want to know. The benefit of doubt, which resides within each of us, whether we are aware of it or not. And our occasional, and perhaps for some of us, the constant fear of change. But sometimes, when you think back on certain moments in your life, and imagine how life is like when you've stopped over-fearing, over-controlling, overthinking; completely let go of, and opened up to, certain people and things... Doesn't it make you feel happier, carefree, relaxed... Or even peaceful? Just as when you were, perhaps, a child, hopeful for your future, and the world? Well...just food for thought. There's a balance in each of us, to help us navigate and weigh who we truly are in life. And in time, these answers will be revealed to you. #mindfulness #selfcontent #moretotheworldthanwhatweaccept #maturityandimmaturity