"What spirit is so empty and blind, that it cannot recognize the fact that the foot is more noble than the shoe, and skin more beautiful than the garment with which it is clothed?" - Michelangelo
"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder." Everyone, including you and me, are observers, practitioners and worshipers of our own forms of beauty. Within us, resides a natural instinct that admire, idolize and relentlessly pursue certain forms of beauty at certain costs, yet despise, desecrate and repel what we define or deem as ugly and imperfect, all of which are done through our eyes, our hearts, our ears, our touch and our minds.
Beauty can be realistic and abstract. Realistic in terms of physical appearances of ourselves, others and surrounding objects and places; abstract in terms of philosophical concepts, spiritual being and inner beauty. Which is why some individuals, objects or places may be accused or stated as "externally beautiful, internally ugly", as do likewise in reverse.
Currently, Korean and Japanese skincare products and regimes have been in trend, especially when it comes to how organic the product is, how the product was made, the specific type of ingredients used (rice, seaweed, etc.), and the sequence and steps of each regime. Western skincare products can be of equal standing, especially when it comes to developing and introducing countless of effective skincare products and regimes, backed by numerous reliable customer, professional and celebrity testimonials.
However, exactly what is beauty, and how much is truly enough for each of us? Perhaps, we can start the ball rolling by understanding the causes and effects of poor skin conditions.
1. Avoid Usage of Harsh Skincare Resources

Ever dreamt of attaining (or reaching) the standards of being a natural beauty? You can, by refraining from applying excessive highly inorganic, chemical cosmetics and skincare products to your face for long periods each day. Au naturel will certainly be best (your author has been like that), and especially within the comforts of your home (or that of your partner's or relatives').
If it's necessary (for work, for parties, for dates or to the beach), do a thorough research on effective skincare products or cosmetics best for your skin type (do not overlook your skin type simply because of a particular skincare trend or a highly recognized brand). Everyone has their respective skin types, so it is best to know which products are optimal for healthy skin.
Take note of the amount of products that you're using and the fragrances, items or deodorants that you are sensitive or allergic to. Other than that, you must also ensure a long-term clean-up regime after coming home with a long day of makeup or skincare products.
It's hard for some, especially when everyone has their own perceptions of beauty (formed by societal standards and real-life cases via peers, relatives, partners, TV shows, dramas, documentaries, print media and online articles). However, it would mean well for us to know where our limits lie, and what our pros and cons will be for pursuing each form of beauty.
2. Manage Your Consumption

Refrain from frequent intake of spicy, deep-fried, oily and savory food and beverages high in saturated fats, sodium and sugar, and low in vitamins, minerals, fibers, etc. (what defies the spectrum of nutritional value). Eat more fruits and vegetables, with moderate intakes of poultry, seafood and dairy. You may start being creative by exploring various culinary dishes and revolutionary beverages that are extremely healthy and beneficial not only to your health, but to your physical appearance.
3. Manage Your Emotions

Many research articles and testimonies from skincare specialists state that stress is one of the key elements inducing poor skin conditions, which is certainly true to some extent, especially when emotions come closely linked with your hormones.
As such, we need to control how we're feeling, and manage these emotions from blowing out of proportion at times (which can be troubling not only for your skin, but for your mental health and relationships).
Share your issues with reliable psychotherapists, peers, partners, colleagues and relatives when the issue you have on hand is too overwhelming to handle. It may not be on a consistent, regular basis, but time to time (perhaps weekly, monthly, or every 4-5 months).
Other than sharing these issues with your confidant, know when to take a break and when to reward yourself. Go for a shopping spree, a gaming marathon, a concert or a random bar! Forget your worries for a while by doing the things that you absolutely love, and trust that you have time (in fact, plenty) to deal with the matter at a slightly later time.
When you're in an energized, healthier and happier state, i'm sure (in fact, we're sure) that you'll take on the matter much more efficiently and effectively than ever before.
4. Go For Regular Skin Appointments

Some of us may have poor skin conditions as a result of underlying hereditary skin conditions, as a side effect from a disease, or as a result from an event or surgery. Personally, I have a history of rosacea, which can be like a mix of acne and eczema (except that I might easily look like I "blush" often if I get too anxious, excited, angry or shy).
Sometimes, in a bid to cover up these imperfections, we will feel the urge to resort to heavy, frequent usage of cosmetics, skincare products, medicine (or plastic surgery). As a victim who has experienced bad skin days myself, I know of your frustrations (and despise) when you occasionally look at yourself in the mirror.
However, thanks to biology lessons in school, social media posts and publications all over the web, we understand that overdoing certain things will bring negative implications that we did not intend to bring upon ourselves at all.
As such, to resolve these issues, schedule for regular facial or skincare appointments at reliable institutions and confide your issues with the specialists available. Take note if your skin is allergic or sensitive to certain foods and objects, and steer clear of them. Lastly, monitor your skin for irregularities (anything out of the norm) and contact your attending specialist as soon as possible for clarification and treatment.

By refusing to adhere to the methods previously shared with you, you may cause your skin to look older and unpleasant, and bring upon other annoying and painful health implications, forcing yourself to be more self-conscious and less confident.
Results of Not Looking After Your Skin (Few That I Can Remember) :
Clogged pores
Oily, dry, rough skin
Agitation, irritation, infection or inflammation, resulting in acne
Fine lines
Skin diseases (cancer, etc.)

"Beauty is how you feel inside, and it reflects in your eyes. It is not something physical." - Sophia Loren
While it is right for you to pursue and to attain your ideal form of beauty, remember to learn how to embrace any form of yourself (especially your true self), be it the you in the past, the present or in the future. It sounds cliche, and when you wrapped your head around the idea, it seems like a perfectly, stupidly, insanely simple thing to do. And, with a weird tinge of stubbornness, you may agree, to some extent, that you love who you truly are now.
Yet, if we were truly honest with ourselves, would we think or feel the same? Perhaps, our innermost being might beg to differ, and this question shall remain unanswered until we are finally capable of envisioning and achieving what our perception of true beauty is.