“If you are always trying to be normal, you will never know how amazing you can be.” – Maya Angelou
Clash of Intuitives vs Sensors...after several interactions and impressions, both of us do have things that we need to learn and to recognize.
I'm sure both Intuitives and Sensors have their own fair share of headaches, heartaches and soul car-crashes because of our differences. The intensity might get worse, especially if you're someone who is either an Empath or an HSP. (Yes, we need to remember that there are other people, who are not introverts and Intuitives, who belong to these groups too).
Because of that, we can't really see the same world we live in eye to eye. All of our differences would slowly rise to the surface, and trigger certain causes and effects in our interactions and impressions of each other.
I believe some apt descriptions would perhaps be "talking to a wall", "you don't get it/understand me", "you're literally from another planet", etc, etc. Sometimes, we give each other "high blood pressures" and "strokes" that we don't really share explicitly, or get certified for by real doctors.

“Understanding is the first step to acceptance, and only with acceptance can there be recovery.” ― J.K. Rowling (Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire)
Annoying will become just an understatement.
However, we could learn to see our differences from a different perspective and learn to coexist, instead of being too quick to assume how one can be like or too fixed on how you plan to live with each other. Like animals, plants and humans together (which we are still learning, even until now).
Take peanut butter and jam. They don't actually mix that well, but they coexist to become something great together (a special paste on bread that becomes a fond memory to millions of children in America, and to other parts of the world).
So, take your time to imagine how and what our world will be like for us and our children, if we managed to master these well.
