“Words are a pretext. It is the inner bond that draws one person to another, not words.” ―Rumi
Many of you may have come across videos or articles published all over social media and the Internet of polyglots, linguists...people who are really attracted to the sounds, the meanings and simply the idea of learning a language or exploring the potential sounds in can make in different languages, dialects or slangs (in other words, all of them can give you kinks...if they do give you those vibes as they can for me mentally).
Whenever we come across such content, or perhaps even physically come into contact with people who can be fluent in multiple languages, we can be easily impressed, inspired and drawn to accomplish the same. However, it is true that learning foreign languages, let alone one, is no easy feat, and would require lots of time and effort to master or attain fluency of the sound or the language for potential conversations with native speakers.
Currently, I have been self-learning multiple languages using resources from the local libraries, purchased textbooks, mobile applications and websites. Languages can include German, Dutch and French; whereas channels can include Duolingo, Babbel, LearningPod101, etc. However, it may still be insufficient, and in certain contexts, inaccurate when utilized in the country where the language originated from.

This would mean that...you can put your social skills to test by attempting to establish opportunities for friendship with cross-border, transnational and international individuals well-versed in the language in current context, regardless of the differences in age and ideals. Your avenues of possible contact with the audience intended would be...Instagram, Youtube, Telegram, Facebook, Twitter and other social networking apps.
If you known such people already, Line, Whatsapp, Kakao, Telegram, Skype, etc. will suffice.
Currently, I have managed to establish rather authentic, long-term relationships with individuals offline and online, from the Netherlands, Russia, Germany, Australia, China, Brazil, Taiwan and Turkey. If you have known me personally, you would probably be questioning my capability to make that amount of friends. I agree with your views...for i'm often left equally surprised and questioning as well!
However, since i'm an old soul and I deeply value authenticity in all of my connections (not establishing for the sake of benefits, that's superficial and morally wrong), I take time to warm up to people and I have yet to breach upon the realms of cross-language exchange...but i'm sure in time, we'll get there.

During your meetup sessions, observe the way they express and the sounds that they make when they speak the language/dialect/slang applicable to their country. This is crucial, especially if you aspire to express the language or sound correctly for the correct situations in their country in future.
As you practice, record and note down the rough abbreviations, intonations, accents or paces that they can make in your journal or document, and feel free to express them in colors, GIFs, videos or pictures.
After a series of practices, you may arrange for frequent occasional "tests" to "officially" converse with your friend in that language/dialect/slang. If you did well, that means that your effort has not gone to waste, and your friend will become more comfortable with talking with you in that language and at that level (he or she may also stop mocking you for the weird, off-putting sounds, movements or facial expressions when you express the language).
The real test will come...when you choose to travel somewhere on this planet and you plan to use the language, perhaps for work, for travel, for family (or even for love). If you understand the locals, and in return, they understand whatever you are expressing, congratulations on finally accomplishing your ultimate goal!

"Succeeding is the coming together of all that is beautiful. Furtherance is the agreement of all that is just. Perseverance is the foundation of all actions." - Lao Tzu
With perseverance, fear not of being unable to achieve your goals one day. The only fear that you will have (if this has been your interest, and it has been weighing on you for some time) is the fear that you have not started on this journey and unleashing possibilities that you can achieve this goal one day.
So...time to get started, get creative and establish new breakthroughs for this wonderful year of growth: 2020!