“Knock, And He'll open the door. Vanish, And He'll make you shine like the sun. Fall, And He'll raise you to the heavens. Become nothing, And He'll turn you into everything.” ― Jalal Ad-Din Rumi
Spirituality can be a rather weird topic to openly share or talk about, especially with sceptics and those who may not believe in the seemingly unreal and undefinable realms of the unknown. It can be an uncomfortable experience, especially when it may involve leaking unknown secrets and truths, known perhaps only to you or your associations.
Everyone has different perceptions to spirituality. For some, it's a way to connect with your own religion and the people who place trust upon the same entity/entities. For some, it's a psychological-related method to get in contact with your internal selves. For some, it's a potential way of earning livelihood or illicit, selfish purposes. For others, they may refuse, disrespect or deny the entire existence or possibility of such a concept.
Where do I, your author, stand? Well...gravitating above the boundaries of being neutral and rather believing of the idea of spirituality. After being exposed to several cultures, dreams, the concept itself and life experiences, I steadily became aware of my abilities, and grew more keen to hone these abilities or to discover more about the concept in general.

Spirituality can go hand in hand with life in so many aspects and ways. Life can be a rather philosophical, contradicting entity; colorful yet gray, complex yet simple, natural yet unnatural, beautiful yet ugly, honest yet deceitful...good yet bad. Just like Yin and Yang, everything needs to be in certain ways at certain intervals to keep the order of the world (or your life) in balance. That's why in all that seems right and pure, within still lies a speck of doubt and impurity, as do likewise in reverse.
We can be aware and unaware of the signs that tells us what or who may come ahead, yet choose to defy against what was "prepared" by life for us (figuratively)...because the truth can be staring at you right in the face, and in some cases, hurtful or disturbing such that it goes against our ideals (at the point of time) and forces us to refuse from simply abiding by it.
A form of rebellion...or defiance perhaps. By human nature, it's understandable, for we are sensual beings with our own unalienable rights, and capabilities to see reason in its different shades.
However, it is by your own accord, intuition and personality traits, that you will ultimately choose to live your life in a certain way based on what you believe in at that point of time in your life. In my opinion, everyone has access to spirituality, just that there are minor (and perhaps vast) differences in receptiveness, ideals and beliefs to realize and to exercise the concept in their worlds.

To me, spirituality acts as a channel to help me connect with my inner self and higher powers. Yoga, meditation and tarots are conduits that help me get in touch with my abilities to connect with my inner self (or in some cases, other individuals that i'm closely associated with), and to help me rationalize, to find meaning and clarity behind a certain action, idea or behavior of a person (especially myself).
With spirituality, I found myself more capable of believing of the positive aspects of life, even through my darkest times. I became more open-minded to explore different perceptions and ideas, to find stability and security when my environment is volatile, to keep level-headed while my emotions run turbulent, to judge when to act cautiously or freely, and to distinguish the good and bad in people and in different aspects of life.
On the other hand, spirituality can also help you to recognize negative aspects or traits about yourself or someone in your life (sometimes rather brutally honest). It forces us to delve within ourselves and to recognize certain truths that people, circumstances or experiences have been implying or indicating to you for some time.
In short, I developed mental resilience, a better understanding of myself, empathy and self-confidence when I sought spirituality. That certainly meant well in terms of mental and physical health! Now, I am finally comfortable to embrace and grow as who I truly am, no matter how imperfect I may seem or feel. This, in turn, allowed me to manifest positive experiences and connections, and unleashed possibilities never imagined before.

"Let the beauty of what you love be what you do." - Rumi
Life is like a river, it flows where it wants to, and you cannot, or may find it hard, to flow against it. You may find that it becomes harder to attain what you want if you don't have a clear understanding of your own goals, or your inner self. So, let life naturally flow, cultivate your inner strengths and your positive aspects, recognize your negative aspects...and reap what you sow, all till the last word of your final chapter...has been written.